Sunday, October 6, 2024

Eberron in Whitehack

Wayne Reynolds
I’ve recently come into possession to a variety of D&D 3rd Edition books detailing Keith Baker’s setting of Eberron. My table and I used it for a brief foray into using the 3.5e rules, but I immediately thought of how much I could adapt for use with Whitehack. Surprise surprise! It was amusing to try but the rules of 3.5e were just too oppressive, especially for a group that didn't really care for tactics grid minutia.

The setting has a nice focus on adventures in the true sense of the word and fits the lower level expectations you see in WH. The flexibility suits WH as well, whereas other old school systems might not work out as well. Let’s see what we can work with here in case I ever get around to something in Eberron again.


The general gist of Eberron is a post-war setting where magic has developed the world, rather than science, and the general ideas of D&D magic were taken to some logical conclusions. A common refrain is “everything D&D has a place in Eberron but it might not be what you expected.”

And so, the great 100 year magical war called the Last War is over. It’s devastation was notable to say the least and we are left with world of reeling nation-states and the economic powerhouses of the Dragonmarked Houses. Part of the reason the Last War was so devastating was due to Eberron not being “high magic” but rather “wide magic”, with lots of people knowing how to use a little magic. This meant magical war on a near industrial scale.

In addition to the usual suspects (dwarves, elves, etc. albeit remixed), we have minor shapeshifters called changelings, planar entities merged with human hosts called kalashtar, lycanthropic ancestors called shifters, and the sentient battle constructs called warforged who seek their place in a post-war world.

It labels a lot of its intended flavors as “noir” and “hard-boiled” especially within the more modern cities of the world. The stories don’t always end well and regrets are abound. Greed, fear, pride, and ambition drive conflict. Separating the heroes from the villains isn’t easy and everyone has something lose beyond their life. The general vibes I get are one well suited swashbuckling with mysteries and political thrillers, but that is due more to Baker’s writings than any actual game flow in 3rd Ed.


What follows is a basic structure of an Eberron campaign, presented in a manner similar to The White Curse in WH2e. Aside from the below, I'd say Eberron works out of the box!

Once, the nations of the continent called Khorvaire were party of the legendary kingdom of Galifar. When the last great king of that mighty realm died, his five heirs of the Five Nations pit themselves against one another in a bid for crown and kingdom. As the decades passed, this all-encompassing conflict became known as the Last War, for surely no taste for battle and blood would remain in this world when it finally ended.

Now, the world of Eberron is emerging from the ashes of this Last War. The nations seeks to rebuild, but still struggle for economic and political dominance on the world stage. Cloak and dagger in the shadows behind the front of international trade and dealings, anything short of all-out-war.


Eberron is a world of magic and industry. Although medieval in some ways, the advances of magic allow Victorian-esque wonders to exist. The greatest cities have sky-scraping castles, elemental-powered transportation, and a rigorous arcane economy. Arcane railways, magical telegraphs, and more. But it is magic, not mundane science, that is the engine of this progress.


In an Eberron campaign, you’re near guaranteed to play a character impacted by the War. Whether they fought in the war or just tried to survive it, it has left its mark. Everyone has lost something whether it be family, loved ones, community, or some part of themselves.


As the campaign begins, two years have passed since the treaty was signed that ended over a hundred years of war… sort of. While there is still overt peace, the pain and rage of the Long War are both alive and well. The nations and other powers seek every advantage. You play adventurers, connected via patrons and old friends to one of the many organizations looking to make their claim on this changing world.


  • Dragonmarked Houses
    • House Canith
    • House Deneith
    • House Ghallanda
    • House Jorasco
    • House Kundarak
    • House Lyrandar
    • House Medani
    • House Orien
    • House Phiarlan
    • House Tarkanan
    • House Tharashk
    • House Thuranni
    • House Vadalis
  • Khorvaire Nations
    • Aundair
    • Breland
    • Cyre
    • Karrnath
    • Thrane
  • Religious Organizations
    • Church of the Silver Flame
    • The Blood of Vol
    • The Gatekeepers
    • Cults of the Dragon Below
    • Academic and Political Groups
    • The Library of Korranberg
    • Morgrave University
    • The Royal Families
    • The Twelve
    • The Wayfinder Foundation
  • Other Groups
    • The Aurum
    • The Dreaming Dark
    • The Lords of Dust
    • Order of the Emerald Claw


“A healer touches the dying; the mark on their forehead blazes with arcane flame as the wounds close and vanish.”

Dragonmarked is a Template that can be added to any creature of a species able to manifest a dragonmark. These are symbols etched on the skin in colors more vivid than any tattoo, magical power made flesh. They enhance the user’s ability to perform certain tasks. For example, the Mark of Shadows helps its bearer avoid enemies, the Mark of Making guides the hands of the smith, etc. They may also manifest in more dramatic ways akin to potent spells and magics.

Dragonmarked characters mark their symbol as a group, modifying their Species group. For example, a human with this template could note “Mark of Finding” next to two attributes. A half-elf would note their mark next to an additional attribute. An elf would replace one of their attributes that has “Elf” with their mark. The mark can be called upon as a wording for an appropriate simple magic once a day. At 4th level, it can also be called upon for standard magic once a day. At 8th level, it can be called upon for major magic once a day.

The specific mark of a Wise character should factor into cost triangulation for miracle effects. 

N.b. this calls back to the differing levels of Dragonmarks. Could use some more tinkering.


Artifice is the channeling of magic through objects. To observers, these don’t look like conventional spells; rather they appear as wonders produced from conventional items or outlandish inventions. They can also commonly create infused items, effectively prototypes of permanent magical items. Artifice is one of the arcane forces that the Wise is able to negotiate with.

Psionics tap the mind’s potential to grant access to personal power beyond the mundane, or even the magical. They are one of the arcane forces that the Wise are able to negotiate with.


Changelings are subtle shapeshifters capable of changing their appearance with a thought. In their true form, changelings give only a passing nod to their human heritage. They are pale, with colorless eyes and silver-white hair. Their facial features don’t look quite finished, with only a hint of a nose and lips.

Changelings have slippery minds granting resistance to mental effects. As a standard action, changelings can alter their voice and appearance including coloration, hair length, and gender. Their weight and height can adjust but not enough to change size. They may appear as another species, but are limited to creatures they've seen and that have the same basic arrangement of limbs. Clothing and appearance doesn't change. Being natural linguists, they begin with a bonus language and halve the time required to learn a new language. Few trust changelings and treat them with extreme suspicion which is a problem when trying to join non-criminal affiliation groups. Their XP penalty is ×1.3 (30% more XP).

They are skilled in deception and intimidation, and can intuitively ready body language and attitude with surprising accuracy. It’s suggested to place Species groups next to Dexterity and Charisma. Referees should consider negative invocations when interacting with the overly wary.

The kalashtar are a compound race: incorporeal entities from the alien plane of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams, merged with human bodies and spirits to form a distinct species. They appear very similar to humans, but are slightly taller than average and they have a grace and elegance that makes them seem almost too beautiful.

The dual spirit of kalashtar grants them resistance to effects that target their minds. Kalashtar sleep but they do not dream, granting immunity to any effect that relies on dreams. Kalashtar are naturally psionic. Once a day they can forge a telepathic bond with another (at least semi-intelligent) willing creature within 30 ft. The bond allows telepathic communication, regardless of language barriers, over any distance in the same plane, lasting 1 round per character level. Their combination of life in exile and a dreamless existence makes kalashtar slightly inclined towards madness. Their XP penalty is ×1.2 (20% more XP).

They are masters of social interaction with their commanding presence and subtle psychic powers. It’s suggested to place Species groups next to Wisdom and Charisma. Referees should consider negative invocations when their alien dispositions can put others off.

Shifters, sometimes called “the weretouched,” are descended from humans and natural lycanthropes, now nearly extinct on Khorvaire. Shifters cannot fully change shape but can take on animalistic features—a state they call shifting. Shifters can see twice as far in low light compared to a human.

Shifters can tap into their lycanthropic heritage to gain short bursts of physical power. Once per day, they may manifest their trait, gaining a boost to a physical ability and some other advantage according to their type. Their trait is selected at character creation and cannot be changed.

  • Beasthide: +2 Con, +2 AC.
  • Longtooth: +2 Str, grow fangs for d6 damage.
  • Cliffwalk: +2 Dex, gain climbing MV of 20.
  • Razorclaw: +2 Str, grow claws on both hands for d6-2 damage.
  • Longstride: +2 Dex, +10 feet to Movement.
  • Wildhunt: +2 Con, gain Keyword: “Keen Sense of Smell”.

Shifting is a small action that lasts three rounds. A constitution score of 13 or more lasts four rounds. A score of 16 or more gives five rounds. An additional shift per day is gained at 3rd, 6th, and 9th level.

Shifters are lithe and agile with keen senses, but their bestial aspect colors their reasoning and their social interactions. It’s suggested to place Species groups next to Dexterity and Wisdom. Referees should consider negative invocations involving keeping their instincts in check.

The warforged were built as mindless machines to fight in the Last War, but developed sentience and evolved into a new species of living constructs. They are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials, wrapped in a framework of steel, darkwood, or stone then covered in a shell of armored plates. They share a common facial design with a hinged jaw and crystal eyes embedded beneath a brow ridge. Beyond these elements, the precise material and build vary based on the purpose for which it was designed.

Warforged don’t require food, sleep, or air and are immune to poison and disease. While they can benefit from magical healing, their bodies must also be mended to function properly. Their armored nature counts as AC 2, though they may not wear other armor. Some warforged were either made with or choose to be refitted with heavier plating at the cost of mobility: they may have mithril (AC 4, ENC 4) or adamantine (AC 6, ENC 6). Regardless, their fists count as clubs.

Not all of Eberron is accepting of warforged and prejudice against them is a huge problem when trying to join some affiliation groups. Despite being made to fight, they seek to adapt to life in this era and are not restricted in their choice of Class or Vocation. The XP penalty is ×1.5.

Warforged combine the best of constructs and living creatures, but being created and trained for war , many have only had a few years to live beyond a battlefield. It’s suggested to place their Species groups next to Strength and Constitution. Referees should consider negative invocations in task rolls where a lack of worldly experience or knowledge.


Some of Keith Baker’s earlier editorials on the setting did some aspects of it far more justice than the WotC materials and still align quite nicely with WH.

Aside from the obvious flavor that descriptions for combat can add, combat advantage and other modifiers a great way to boost colorful and clever actions when the swords and wands come out. As well as not penalizing such actions to the point where they become worse than just trying to swing. Tossing over tables, yanking carpets, and more. Minor adjustments to initiative, AC, and such can also help keep such flair meaningful.

Fights in Eberron don’t seem like they should be grim, muddy, and bloody but something out of an Errol Flynn film or Indiana Jones. Something to keep in mind when discussing the tone of things.


One of the ways Eberron tweaked the nature of 3.5e was the addition of action points. Kinda like WFRP Fate points or Savage World Bennies. I would probably use my tried and true Tokens rule here. In short, characters begin an adventure (not session!) with Tokens equal to their level and can spend these for minor bonuses/earn them through daring-do.

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