What's a mythic space epic without larger than life characters? Characters created for BLACK SUN use all the normal rules and guidelines for creating characters, and advancing in level unless noted below.
Warden with an Assault Suit and HMG |
First, heroic PCs must roll 4d6 three times, dropping the lowest die each time and assigning these scores as desired among their Charisma, Intelligence, and Willpower. Their reforged bodies have Strength 14, Dexterity 14, and Constitution 14. If none of the rolls resulted in an 18, the PC may make one of their six stats an 18.
Heroic classes have additional benefits. These are listed in the Core Book and Codex.
Heroic PCs have half the max possible hit points for their class, level, and Constitution modifier, rounded up.
The Prime, the body gifted by the BLACK SUN, is a clear upgrade from the standard human body. It has the following benefits:
- Immunity to conventional diseases and natural toxins, and can only be afflicted by military grade bioweapons or ghoultech.
- Being more resilient that the natural human body, they grant a basic AC of 12 and 5 extra HP.
- It connects with a Soulstone (see BLACK SUN II: The Wardens)
- PCs start with an innate connection to this body that allows them to push the limits of their new body precisely when they are most needed. By accepting 2 System Strain points as an instant action, the character can raise any one physical attribute to 18 for the rest of the scene, though improved Constitution does not raise their hit points. This can be done for more than one attribute.
Players also help fill out the cast of NPCs. Each player should name one NPC who is a close relationship with their character (a good friend, a lover, practically family, etc.) and name an NPC who is their rival or enemy. These will come up in play.
As the last step of character creation, players should pick a name for their character (from the generator in the book or creating their own). If the character uses a nickname or callsign among the Wardens, they should make note of it. Finally, players should record a few evocative words that describe how their character looks (Wiry man with a mask and robes or fierce woman with a sharp uniform or huge and concealed behind heavy armor for example).
Starting Equipment and Gear
Life at Home
PCs begin play with 5,000 civilian grade credits and any amount of TL4 or below equipment, gear, or items that they can either comfortably carry on their person or fit in their current living arrangement (Regent barracks, civilian apartment, etc.). These will usually be their "off-duty" clothes, a car or other vehicle, communication devices, and related items.
They also have their faction garb and their service sidearm, a laser pistol with 3 Type A cells.
Taking STOK
PCs begin play as members of a fireteam. The fireteam is the foundation of the Warden militant organization, being a flexible and versatile combat unit. Each one is composed of a team leader and one to four Wardens, each with an informal role within the fireteam.
In theory the ideal fireteam arrangement is four Wardens: two riflemen, someone with a support weapon, and someone with a supply of grenades or specialized grenade launcher. Standard field tactics usually have the two riflemen covering the support weapon operator, with the grenadier providing indirect fire to hard cover targets. Other equipment will vary depending on the operation and preferences of the Warden.
In practice however, after Initiate operations some fireteams stick to this tried-and-true tactic while others abandon it entirely for extremely specialized, dangerous, or unusual approaches to combat.
Regardless of preference or ability, all Warden Initiate fireteams are outfitted with the Standard Tactical Operations Kit (STOK). It consists of the following for each member of the fireteam:
- Laser or Mag rifle
- If Laser: 4 stowed packs of 3 Type A energy cells, 2 more readied, and one in the rifle
- If Mag: 4 stowed packed of 3 20-round magazines, 2 more readied, and one in the rifle
- 2 injections of Lift
- Icarus Harness
- Vacc fresher
- Helmeted mounted mil-spec compad
- Stowed rations (6 days)
- Readied Monoblade (small advanced weapon)
- TL4 Field Pack
Total STOK Encumbrance:
Laser light goodness |
Fireteam Roles
In addition to the STOK, certain fireteam roles can opt for more specialized equipment additions. Some common examples the Keepers Adepts are willing to grant Initiate fireteams:
- Designated Medic: Carries a medkit, 2 bundles of 3 Lazarus patches, and 4 additional Lift injections
- Grenadier: Under-barrel TL4 grenade launcher, 2 clips of 3 launcher grenades, 4 grenades
- TL4 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher (DMG Special, Range 150/350, Magazine 3, Enc +1); fires against AC 11 at all ranges with a miss landing 1d20 meters away in a random direction. These grenades have the same general effects as their hand-thrown counter parts.
- Communications: Milspec Comm Server (Range 500km, 1 Enc), Dataslab, 2 Type B cells.
- Heavy Support: Replaces Icarus Harness with Assault Suit w/ Grav chute, 2 Type B cells, replaces rifle with:
- TL4 LMG (Dmg 2d8#, Range 500/2k, Cost 3000, Magazine 10, Enc 3) with 2 ammo cans (1 Enc, contain three belts worth of ammo)
- Anti-Tank/Demolitions: Carries a TL4 rocket launcher, 3 missiles, 4 demo charges.
- Designated Marksman: Replace rifle with a TL4 Sniper Rifle and reduce ammo carried to 1 pouch, TL4 binoculars, survival kit.
- "Point Man": Replace rifle with spike thrower, choice of personal advanced melee weapon.
- Field Agent: Replace rifle with TL4 submachine gun with one ammo pouch, replace Icarus Harness with Armored Undersuit w/ Grav Chute
- Optional: low-light goggles, survival kit, grapnel launcher, 3 Type A power cells.
Your TL4 LMG might be the Garrison's Alex-647 Auto-Suppression Rotary Cannon |
A Note on Weapons and Gear
The nature of the setting and the simple nature of the equipment in this game means that we can really explore a lot of cool bits. Notable right away is that most of the Warden's standard issue weapons are upgraded to TL4. Likewise, not all of the tech in the ruins of the system is identical. Some varieties of weapons and gear might grant skill bonuses, do more damage, have an AC bonus, or offer some other perk. This is how I'm going to add flavor to the cool tech left over from the End and make choices that aren't milspec TL4 attractive and interesting!